Northern Kentucky Guide to Adult Mental Health Hospitalizations
Kentucky’s civil commitment laws provide a process for seeking involuntary treatment, including hospitalization, for individuals with severe mental illness who are unable to seek care voluntarily.
An individual suffering from mental illness can be involuntarily hospitalized if:
- He or she presents a danger or threat of danger to self, family or others resulting from mental illness;
- He or she can reasonably benefit from treatment; AND
- Hospitalization is the least restrictive means of treatment presently available.
An individual who would like to initiate this process on behalf of a loved one should contact the Boone County Attorney’s Office.
For more information about the process in Boone County, please read on.
The person filing the petition is known as the petitioner.
The petition may be obtained from the Boone County Attorney’s Office, where it must be completed before it is filed with the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office.
If both evaluations do not indicate that further treatment is necessary, the respondent will be released from treatment and the proceedings will be dismissed.
The respondent will be present at this hearing and will be represented by court-appointed counsel.
If a Judge finds that probable cause exists, the respondent will be referred to Eastern State Hospital in Fayette County, Kentucky, and Boone County’s jurisdiction ends.
If the Court finds no probable cause exists to involuntarily hospitalize longer than 72 hours, the proceedings will be dismissed and the respondent will be released from treatment.